Síle O'Dorchai's personal homepage


Current research projects (2005-)

  • "Meta-analysis of gender and science research" (2007-2010)
  • "Rapport sur l'écart salarial entre femmes et hommes en Europe" (2010)

Former research projects (2001-2004)

  • “She Figures 2009” (August 2008 – June 2009) - The objective of this project was to continue previous methodological developments and data gathering and processing so as to yield the statistics and indicators necessary for monitoring the progress towards gender equality in science. More concretely, the necessary sex-disaggregated data were collected and the indicators were computed that were needed for the 2009 She Figures publication of the Scientific Culture and Gender Issues Unit of the Directorate General Research and Technological Developments of the European Commission. The data were collected for the 27 EU Member States plus Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey from the early nineties until 2007 or the latest data available.
  • Coordinator of the project “Belgian Gender and Income Analysis (BGIA)” (2007-2009), a research in collaboration with the Institute for equality of women and men (Institut pour l’égalité des femmes et des hommes), the Federal Public Service for Scientific Policy (la Politique scientifique fédérale) and the Directorate general for Statistics and economic Information (Direction générale des Statistiques et de l’Information économique). The aim of this project was to provide an in-dept analysis at the individual level of the comparative income and poverty situation of women and men in Belgium and 8 other European countries on the basis of the different data sources available (EU-SILC 2005, ESES, Enquête belge sur le budget des ménages and fiscal data). New methods and indicators have been developed and a “gender and income” database was constructed. These will soon be made widely available to facilitate and encourage future research on the topic.
  • The project “Public policies towards employment of parents and social inclusion (PEPSI)” (2005-2008), a research sponsored by the Federal Public Service for Scientific Policy under the pluri-annual research programme “Society and Future” (2005-2010), my contribution consisted in examining the wage gap between mothers and non-mothers along the wage distribution.
  • «The Rationale of Motherhood Choices : Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies (MOCHO)». This project was part of the Key Action « Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base » of the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission. It was a three-year project that started on the 1st of October 2001 and ran until the 1st of October 2004. The final synthesis report is available on the project’s website: http://www.ulb.ac.be/soco/mocho
  • Assistance to Danièle Meulders and Robert Plasman who represent respectively Belgium and Luxembourg in the European Commission’s Expert Group on Gender and Employment (EGGE). This group used to carry out a yearly assessment of both the National Action Plans for Employment and those for Social Inclusion (2003-2006) from a gender point of view. As of 2008, only the NRPs are analysed. Each year, we also write a national thematic report (“the costs of non-gender equality”, “Making work pay”, “the gender wage gap”, etc.).
  • Women in industrial research” (December 2001 – June 2003). The aim of the final report we have written was to provide a complete analysis of the issue of women in industrial research, as well as of the obstacles they encounter as their career develops and how they can overcome them. Thanks to the efforts made by the DG Research Women and Science unit, for the first time official data were made available. A literature review at the European and international levels has been carried out as well as two kinds of analysis: (i) quantitative and (ii) qualitative. Good practices and recommendations have also been gathered in order to help in the construction of actions to improve the current situation of women in industrial research.
  • Targeted Socio-Economic Research (TSER) programme, financed by the European Commission and co-ordinated by Prof. D. MARSDEN (London School of Economics and Centre for Economic Performance). Theme: “Pay inequalities and economic performance”. Objective: Investigate the relationship between pay inequalities, organisational change, business and employment performance, focusing the analysis on performance at the detailed industry level. February 2002 – December 2004.
  • «Fiscalité du tabac : évaluation des effets sur la consommation et les recettes fiscales» – a research requested by Rudy Demotte, Minister of Social Affairs and of Public Health (March 2004)